The Exposing the Invisible team, and other staff members of Tactical Tech regularly speak to the media and other civil society organisations about topics related to investigation, safety and the impact of technology on individuals and society at large. We provide both commentary and also practical advice for the general public. We have a broad range of expertise in: privacy, digital security, misinformation, digital investigation, data & politics, and youth & technology.
Press contact
If you’d like to speak to one of our members, please write to:
It helps if you provide details of the topic or questions you'll ask, the format of the interview (email, phone, video call), and your timeline.
We are the perfect source for you if you are covering technology-and-society related topics such as:
- Misinformation and disinformation and its impact on societies and democracies.
- The impact of technology on youth: digital habits, addiction, among others.
- How technology impacts individuals and society at large.
- Social, political and cultural impact of technology.
- Practical tips and advice for the general public, youth and families on managing their relationship with technology.
- Privacy and digital security, what are the risks created by digital technologies and how to mitigate them.
- Digital investigation: methods, tools and tactics to develop investigations safely in the digital world.
- How technology and private data are used to influence people’s opinions and elections worldwide.
Press and communications assets
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Click on the link below to download our media and press assets such as Brand and style guide and Logos.
- Download Tactical Tech Assets (.zip folder)
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Press highlights of Exposing the Invisible
Internet Archive, July 2023: "Preserving the Past, Empowering the Future: Unveiling the Wayback Machine’s Vital Role in Investigative Work", interview with Exposing the Invisible.
"Eine gute erste Anlaufstelle und Informationsplattform für Aktivisten, Journalisten und Interessierte, die investigativ tätig sind" ("A good first port of call and information platform for activists, journalists and anyone interested in investigative work.") in
The Week, May 2020: Donald Trump: Should social media companies fact check the President?
Middle East Eye, Jan. 2020: Saudi Arabia's bot army flourishes as Twitter fails to tame the beast
Data Journalism, Oct. 2019: Following the money. Conversations with Data: #38
Washington Post, Nov. 2018: I’m a Saudi activist. Twitter put my life in danger.
Open Democracy, May 2017: This is how you can leverage social media to uncover wrongdoing
The Express Tribune with the New York Times: Cyber security conference: Film challenges ‘official’ narrative on drones
International Center for Journalists: Online Documentary Series Spotlights Muckraking Methods of ICFJ Reporting Network
Cafe Pacific: Exposing the Invisible - digital technology for social justice
Global Voices: Film Documents America's “Invisible” Drone War in Pakistan, (translated into Malagasy, German, Russian, Urdu, Spanish)
Zeit Online Netzfilmblog: Information = Währung: “Exposing the Invisible”
Universidad del Norte: Exponiendo lo invisible: Una forma de hacer periodismo investigativo, (Exposing the Invisible: one way to do investigative journalism)
Knowledge Bridge: Investigative reporting on the rise
Mondiaal Nieuws: Unseen War: de onzichtbare drone-oorlog in Pakistan (Unseen War: the invisible drone war in Pakistan)
The Daily Blog: Exposing the Invisible – digital technology for social justice
Atlatszo: A hét videója: Az én nézőpontomból (Video of the Week: From My Point of View)
Global Voices: Exposing the Invisible: Video Profiles of Info-Activists
Netzpolitik: Exposing the Invisible: Investigativer Journalismus im Digitalen Zeitalter (Investigaive Journalism in the digital age)
Geographical Imaginations: Unseen War
No Average Robot: Exposing the Invisible: über die arbeit investigativer journalisten, aktivisten und hacker weltweit (about the work of investigative journalists, activists and hackers worldwide)
Anonymiss Legion: Exposing The Invisible: Our currency is Information
Zoon Politicon: Datengetriebene Recherche und Umsetzung zwischen Journalismus und Aktivismus
MartinGrandJean: Montrer l’invisible : analyse de réseau et journalisme d’investigation face au crime organisé
Atlatszo: A hét videója: A pénznemünk az információ (Video of the Week: our Currency is Information)