We are translating The Kit so that more citizen investigators can use it.
We launched Exposing the Invisible: The Kit in April 2019 following nine months of creative, collaborative work, which started with a 10-day ‘Kit’ Residency in 2018.
The Kit is a starting point for those who believe in the power of information as evidence. It is an expanding self-learning resource that makes investigative techniques and tools used by experienced investigators more accessible to people and communities who feel motivated to start their own investigations, collect and verify information, build evidence and create a better understanding of issues without losing sight of ethical or safety considerations.
To make this resource more accessible to people, communities and organisations working in different contexts, we started a process of localising and translating its content. We are gradually adding Spanish and French language content as it becomes available. This is part of a great effort by many of our colleagues, partner organisations and individual collaborators - please visit the Kit's Credits section (in Spanish, French and English) to see who they are.
If you wish to get in touch and collaborate with us on localising, adapting and translating more 'Exposing the Invisible Kit' content for citizen investigators around the world, please contact us at:
- eti@tacticaltech.org (GPG Key fingerprint: BD30 C622 D030 FCF1 38EC C26D DD04 627E 1411 0C02)