Tactical Tech is providing travel and subsistence support of maximum 1000 Eur/person to Europe based journalists and other media professionals interested in enhancing their audience development skills, media viability strategies and public interest reporting practices by attending two up-coming specialised events organised by the EU-funded project MOST (Media Organisations for Stronger Transnational Journalism) in Poland and Italy.
Application deadline: 12 February 2025, midnight CET.
Event Details
The two events we are offering funding for are:
A 3-day training in Krakow, Poland on 26-27-28 February 2025 - focused on strategies for media business development and revenue diversification, media sustainability and audience development, innovation, product development, and technological transformation in journalistic reporting and audience engagement. If selected, attendance is mandatory for a full 3-day program.
A 2-day skill-sharing and networking event in Perugia, Italy on 10-11 April 2025 - focused on media viability of public interest journalism and editorial practices for mitigating cultural biases in international reporting. If selected, attendance is mandatory for a full 2-day program. This event is held alongside the International Journalism Festival taking place in Perugia on 9-13 April 2025. Participants joining can plan to stay longer for the festival on that occasion.
Financial support will be provided to selected applicants based on receipts, following the attendance of the event, in the amount of maximum 1000 EUR per person, per event.
We aim to provide funding to an average of six participants to each event. Interested journalists and other media professionals are invited to consult the application criteria below and to apply by indicating which event they would like to join.
Applying to join both events is possible. A decision will be taken based on the number of applicants and demonstrated benefits of joining both events.
Who Is Eligible to Apply?
Apply if you:
Are a journalist or other media professional affiliated or collaborating with a regional European Hub organisation that is part of the Collaborative and Investigative Journalism Initiative (CIJI), namely: RISE Project Romania, Investigate Europe, Journalists in Need Network, Fundacja Reporterow, OBC Transeuropa, Delfi. *This is not a mandatory criteria but some level of connection will be relevant as the project aims to strengthen existing regional networks as well as to build new capacity that can strengthen existing media networks in different European regions.
Are citizen of one the Creative Europe Participating Countries, including:
- EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs));
- non-EU countries: listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Creative Europe Programme or countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature (see list of non-EU Participating Countries in the Creative Europe Programme here: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/docs/2021-2027/crea/guidance/list-3rd-country-participation_crea_en.pdf )
Have demonstrated experience with collaborative public-interest reporting and/or international reporting.
Have demonstrated experience with developing and adapting media content to diverse audiences, and with communicating stories to audiences at local, national and/or cross-border level.
Wish to improve and diversify your audience development, engagement and outreach strategies and apply innovative methods to develop and test new media content distribution opportunities.
Wish to gain skills and implement measures to diversify media revenue streams, including reader-based revenue models (crowdfunding, subscription models, etc.), apply latest techniques in media sustainability innovation and monetisation through service/product development.
Are eager to share your experiences, skills and knowledge with others in a highly collaborative environment.
Have fewer opportunities to access in-person, cross-border collaborations and skill-sharing events.
Are committed to attend and actively participate for the entire length of the events as this is mandatory for funded participants.
Application deadline: 12 February 2025, midnight CET.
Financial Support Information
- Accepted participants will be reimbursed for event-related expenses, including travel, accommodation, travel insurance, and local subsistence (per diem), up to a maximum of €1,000 per event. Reimbursement will be provided after the event upon submission of receipts.
- Participants are responsible for arranging their own travel and accommodation. Organisers will provide all the content planning, agenda and local details to facilitate the trip and event participation.
How To Apply?
Please fill out this application form: https://lime.ttc.io/index.php/81334?lang=en
Application deadline: 12 February 2025, midnight CET.
- Applicants should demonstrate their experience with producing and disseminating journalistic content in the public interest, as well as to indicate how they expect these events to benefit their future work and content distribution efforts.
- Please note that the events will be held in English. A working level of the language is necessary to ensure overall collaboration and a smooth facilitation of the event.
- Please disclose if you are using AI tools to structure and write your application.
Selection Process
- We will provide places and funding to maximum six selected participants for each event.
- Our team of journalists and researchers from Tactical Tech and CIJI partners will review the applications, balancing experience, skills, diversity, needs and everyone’s ability to both gain from, and contribute to the events.
- Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, therefore we encourage you to apply early in the process, especially if aiming to join the Krakow training.
- We will inform successful applicants for the Krakow training by 15 February 2025. Applicants selected for the Perugia event will be informed by 28 March.
If you have any questions about the Residency and the application process, please contact us at eti@tacticaltech.org
About the Organisers
The events are hosted by the “Media Organisations for Stronger Transnational Journalism” (MOST) project, which aims to strengthen the resilience of independent media outlets in Europe by offering innovative business and audience development strategies, and a collaborative platform for the exchange of knowledge, resources, and content. The MOST project consortium is led by OBC Transeuropa and includes Le Courrier des Balkans, New Eastern Europe, European Pravda, the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), El Orden Mundial, and Tactical Tech. The MOST project is funded by the European Commission CREA Fund (GA 101180285).
Tactical Tech is an international NGO that engages with citizens and civil-society organisations to explore and mitigate the impacts of technology on society.
Call Illustration by Ann Kiernan
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.