A series of videos that capture practices and approaches from investigators, all recorded in Exposing the Invisible's conference titled "Investigation is Collaboration" that took place on 2 - 6 August 2021.

Many investigators have been part of the Investigation is Collaboration conference and shared their thoughts and ideas about investigation, data, collaboration, safety and community. They spoke about their techniques, what sources of data they use to get deeper answers and what motivates them to dig further into topics that concern them.

We have put together a series of videos that capture some of the important concepts and moments that they have shared with participants.

The full conference agenda can be found here.

These videos are part of a series of resources and publications produced by Exposing the Invisible during a one-year project (September 2020 - August 2021) supported by the European Commission (DG CONNECT)

European Commission

This content reflects the author's view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

First published on October 5, 2021